Giving hope to those who have lost hope for a cure.

Empowering Lives with personalized chronic illness management plans. 



Who we Serve.

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R.A.R.E. Life Management Plan

During four-personalized sessions you will be assisted with creating a plan to manage your life with an invisible chronic illness. Blending mental and physical health services. 


R.A.R.E. Providers

Mental and Health care Providers


Private Network of Support

Connect in a secure space to individuals and providers where you can find peer to peer support, resources, and available services in your area. 

R.A.R.E. Fund

Community Businesses


Sustainable R.A.R.E. Fund

The R.A.R.E. fund is a dedicated fund supported by providers, sponsoring businesses and the public donations that ensures the availability of free and reduced-cost services for those facing financial barriers that are standing in their way of receiving the care.

What is Chronic Invisible Illness?



Chronic invisible illnesses encompass a wide range of medical conditions that often go unnoticed by others.


These conditions go beyond physical ailments like arthritis, diabetes, and fibromyalgia.

They also include mental health disorders, like PTSD, and traumatic brain injury cause by trauma.


Living with an invisible illness can be challenging, as others may judge and criticize without understanding the internal struggles.

Since individuals with invisible illness appear healthy on the outside,

they are often wrongly accused of fabricating their pain.


R.A.R.E. stands for:

Mutual Reliance, Acceptance, Respect, and Empowerment.


These principles underscore our dedication to fostering understanding and mutual reliance within our community.


We believe in the strength that comes from supporting one another and that together, we can change the narrative surrounding invisible chronic illness. 




Behind every statistic, there lies a human story – a story of struggle, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit.

Invisible illnesses often bear the dual burden of physical pain and societal misunderstanding. 


By choosing to invest in the R.A.R.E. Support Network, you provide services and products that recognize and address this unique intersection of our physical and mental health. 


These tools assist in the management of their illness and gives hope for a cure.    




An Opportunity That Extends Beyond Conventional Care

The R.A.R.E. Support Network is inviting healthcare providers, clinics, and wellness professionals to bridge gaps in care for those with invisible chronic illnesses.

Through the R.A.R.E. Life Management Plan, which advocates for mutual Reliance, Acceptance, Respect, and Empowerment, you can become a pivotal part of the transformative journey for individuals dealing with invisible chronic illnesses.

Join us in this groundbreaking initiative and elevate the standard of care by integrating a holistic approach that not only addresses physical health but also nurtures mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Together, we can create a supportive ecosystem that empowers patients and enriches your practice.