R.A.R.E. Grant 2025
The R.A.R.E. Grant will start accepting applicants with practices located in Montgomery and Harris County, TX. on February 13th, 2025 to March 13th, 2025.
Sign up for the announcement to make sure you receive a notification and application instructions when the fund becomes available.
The R.A.R.E. Fund provides financial support to local providers, enabling individuals within their communities to access vital medical and mental health services they might not otherwise be able to afford.
Working with Hope, Inc - R.A.R.E. Fund
Working with Hope, Inc
(WWH) is a nonprofit organization that helps people with chronic illnesses and trauma through a local R.A.R.E. Fund. This fund pays for services and treatments that aren’t covered by regular insurance, like counseling, life coaching, and new innovative treatments in health care.
Become a Provider within the R.A.R.E. Support Network
Change the Narrative surrounding Invisible Chronic Illnesses
- Expand Your Reach: Give hope for a cure for your patients that could benefit from services they are unable to afforded.
- Charitable Impact: Support your patients through your give-back R.A.R.E. Program and Restricted Fund for your program.
- Access Grants: Apply for R.A.R.E. Fund grants to cover the cost of your R.A.R.E. program.
Advocate with the R.A.R.E. Support Network
- Amplify Your Brand: Showcase your business's commitment to the community service and finding a cure for chronic illness through impactful campaigns.
- Make a Difference: Support families in your community with chronic invisible illnesses by contributing to the R.A.R.E. Fund through your marketing campaigns.
- Boost Customer Loyalty: Consumers value businesses that give back—stand out as a responsible leader.
- Flexible Participation: Tailor your campaign to match your goals while supporting a cause that matters.